Motivation: The iconic windmills of Holland, from the World Heritage.
In the morning, the air is permeated with the strong smell of cattle, which is a sign that the netherlands still follows cattle breeding in the ancestral old way, according to the rules, which has deep and developed roots. Freshly awakened, still in a robe, on the terrace with a cup of hot coffee in hand, look towords to the king’s palace, if the flag is raised on the roof of the palace, the king is home. Wet and cold air surrounds your body, you inhale the steam of hot coffee together with the steam of the air and enjoy the mixture of tradition and civilization, this creates a feeling of enjoying life that no French perfume can replace.The amazing scent of the grass and technology completely occupies the olfactory organs, and firmly sits in the nostrils, it fills you with strong sensations and impressions… Then wherever you continue to live, whether it’s a city or a village, the same thing repeats itself and reminds you of the first impressions caused by this scent. so far From west to south 41,526 sq km